Efektifitas Pelatihan English Basic Conversation For Hotel Staff Terhadap Self Efficacy Karyawan Hotel Di Palembang


  • Ega Leovani Musi Charitas Catholic University


Training effectiveness, selfefficacy


The research aims to investigate the effectiveness of English basic
conversation for hotel staff training on the self-efficacy of hotel
employees in Palembang. The background of this research is that the
city of Palembang will be hosting international events such as ASIAN
GAMES 2018, and the readiness of the people of Palembang in facing
the MEA especially in the hotel business. Individual factors that
influence self-efficacy are job involvement, organizational commitment
and work environment. The data collection of this study used
questionnaire method and sampling technique, that is, purposive
sampling method. The selection of the intended sample is conducted
because the researcher understands that the required information can
be obtained from a particular group that is able to provide the desired
information because they do have such information and they meet the
criteria determined by the researcher. The method of analysis in this
study used simple linear regression by performing the classical
assumption test as a condition in performing regression test. The result
of the research demonstrates that the training of English basic
conversation for hotel staff has a positive and significant influence on
the self-efficacy of star hotel employees in Palembang.


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How to Cite

Leovani, E. (2018). Efektifitas Pelatihan English Basic Conversation For Hotel Staff Terhadap Self Efficacy Karyawan Hotel Di Palembang. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 152–162. Retrieved from https://repository.urecol.org/index.php/proceeding/article/view/58