The Challenges of Implementing e-Voting in Elections As a New Form Agile Governance Concept in Indonesia


  • Anisya Yuli Marzalia Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta


E-Voting; Agile Governance; Democracy; Electio


Agile governance is a novel notion in which the government is expected to be able to
respond rapidly, adaptably, and to constantly changing circumstances. The advancement
of time and technology has made it possible for an electronic voting system (e-Voting) to
exist. It adopts the idea of agile governance and allows individuals to exercise their right
to vote only with the aid of an internet connection and any digital devices they may own to
increase the effectiveness and efficiency of elections. The purpose of this research is to
analyze the challenges faced in implementing e-Voting as a new form of Agile Governance
concept in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative methods using secondary data sources.
NVivo 12 Plus software was used to handle and analyze all the data collected for this
research. The researcher refers to one of the principles of agile governance, Human
Focused. Based on these principles, researchers found indicators that are still a challenge
in implementing e-Voting in Indonesia, namely public trust, data security, and public
participation. Because of this, it is anticipated that the emergence of the notion of agile
governance will lead to positive improvements in how Indonesia implements e-Voting as a
new type of voting system.




How to Cite

Marzalia, A. Y. (2023). The Challenges of Implementing e-Voting in Elections As a New Form Agile Governance Concept in Indonesia . Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 104–111. Retrieved from