Providing Elderly Gymnastics as an Initial Step to Prevent Stroke in the Elderly in Rw 15 Gendingan, Jebres, Surakarta


  • Asita Rohmah Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Surakarta


Elderly Exercise, Stroke Prevention


Background: Elderly or elderly is the last stage in the process of human growth and
development. At this stage the elderly experience a decrease in body function. The
elderly began to complain of problems with their bodies such as knee pain, lower back
pain, hypertension and many more. As technology advances in this modern era and
the COVID-19 pandemic, the elderly experience a decrease in physical activity. The
reduced physical activity experienced by the elderly can trigger other diseases and worsen
the condition of the elderly. Giving elderly exercise is not only to make the elderly move
but also able to be the first step to prevent other diseases including stroke. Objective: This
outreach activity aims to introduce elderly exercise as the first step in preventing stroke.
Method: The method used is counseling and application of elderly exercise. Results: Based
on the results of observations, it was found that the elderly had hypertension (70%) and
the elderly with normal blood pressure (30%). After being given exercise for the elderly,
there was a good response, the elderly became happier and able to stimulate physical


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How to Cite

Rohmah, A. (2023). Providing Elderly Gymnastics as an Initial Step to Prevent Stroke in the Elderly in Rw 15 Gendingan, Jebres, Surakarta. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 14–18. Retrieved from