Edukasi Bahaya Bahan Kimia Obat Yang Terdapat di Dalam Obat Tradisional Desa Jagasima Klirong Kebumen


  • Titi Pudji Rahayu Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong
  • Muh.Husnul Khuluq Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong
  • Laeli Fitriyati Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong


The wrong use of traditional medicine is when people have expectations that traditional
medicine can heal, so their use increases. This Community Service was carried out in
Jagasima Village, Klirong District, targeting PKK cadres and villagers. The problem that
arises is the lack of public knowledge about traditional medicines that contain medicinal
chemicals and without knowing traditional medicines there is no distribution permit
from BPOM. This community service aims to realize accuracy, care, awareness,
understanding and increase knowledge in using traditional medicines correctly and
understanding the dangers of medicinal chemicals in traditional medicines so as to be
able to provide explanations and increase knowledge to the public on the use of
traditional medicines so that a drug-aware society is realized. The method used was data
collection of prospective trainees, discussions with village officials and committees
formed by the village, discussions with members, implementation of activities in the form
of lectures, discussions, ice breaking and simulations related to traditional medicines and
medicines. In conclusion, the community in Jogosima Village as the target was very
enthusiastic in participating in this activity. After this activity, the village community
can know the dangers of medicinal chemicals found in traditional medicines and can
know how to choose good and correct traditional medicines that do not contain medicinal




How to Cite

Rahayu, T. P., Khuluq, M., & Fitriyati, L. (2022). Edukasi Bahaya Bahan Kimia Obat Yang Terdapat di Dalam Obat Tradisional Desa Jagasima Klirong Kebumen. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 98–102. Retrieved from