The Influence of Intellectual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence on Millenial Generation’s Entrepreneurial Interest


  • Ani Muttaqiyathun Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Yogi Saputra Universitas Ahmad Dahlan


The millennial generation, also known as generation Y, is a demographic group after
generation X. Many researchers are still debating the exact year of their birth, but most
estimate that this generation was born between 1980 and 2000. This generation is now
an adult, and has even colored the world. especially in the business sector. Experts
believe they have great potential to turn the wheels of the world economy in the near
future. This generation has the most control over technology and has the most potential
to take the momentum of change in the post-covid-19 era. It was this generation's high
interest in pursuing the business world that prompted this research. So this study aims
to analyze the role of intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence and spiritual
intelligence on the interest in entrepreneurship for the millennial generation. The object
of research is focused on students in the city of Yogyakarta who are still actively
studying. The sample is determined at least 15% of the population. Data was collected by
means of a questionnaire via googleform. Data analysis used multiple linear regression.
The results of the analysis of this study indicate that intellectual intelligence, emotional
intelligence and spiritual intelligence have a positive and significant effect either
partially or simultaneously on the millennial generation's entrepreneurial interest.




How to Cite

Muttaqiyathun, A., & Saputra, Y. (2022). The Influence of Intellectual Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence on Millenial Generation’s Entrepreneurial Interest. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 11–17. Retrieved from