The Use of Think-Pair-Share With Inspiring Videos On Students’ Language Acquisition: A Preliminary Research


  • Muhammad Guruh Nuary IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon


Language Acquisition, Preliminary Research, Think- Pair-Share


One of the problem of students that learning language especially for
English subject is the less of vocabulary which they have. In this
paper, researcher will conducted a research that use think-pair-share
in the class, which is may help students to get more English words.
Researcher also use inspiring videos to increase their motivation to
learn English more. This research, use qualitative approach with
preliminary research method to gathered the data from previous
study, field observation and also from interview students and teacher
in the end of the class activity. This preliminary research was
conducted at SMAN 1 Pabedilan, Cirebon. In this research,
researcher take two classes in tenth grade, MIA 1 and MIA 3.
Researcher took 10 students of each class of MIA 1 and MIA 3. The
result are students feel bored during the class, students feel they can
not mastery the English well, etc. For the teacher, using another
model, method or strategy is not really important to do. In this
research, researcher will conduct the use of Think-Pair-Share in the
classroom, perhaps with inspiring videos can make language
acquisition of students increase and for students motivation to learn
English either.


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How to Cite

Nuary, M. G. (2018). The Use of Think-Pair-Share With Inspiring Videos On Students’ Language Acquisition: A Preliminary Research. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 373–380. Retrieved from