Relationship Parenting Patterns With Level Of Independence Personal Hygiene In Preschool Children In Tk Pertiwi 14.09.01 Poncowarno


  • Wuri Utami Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong
  • Nurul Fatimah Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong
  • Ning Iswati Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong


Pola asuh; kemandirian; personal hygiene; prasekolah


Background: Independence of personal hygiene is an action in maintaining personal
hygiene, both physical and psychological. One of the factors that can affect the
independence personal hygieneof school-age children is parenting. Objective : To
determine the relationship between parenting and the level ofindependence personal
hygiene stylesin preschool children at Pertiwi Kindergarten 14.09.01 Poncowarno.
Methods: This study uses a quantitative correlation method using adesign cross-
sectional, the sampling technique uses total sampling with a sample of 65 respondents.
The research instrument used was a parenting style questionnaire and a questionnaire
on the level ofindependence personal hygiene. Results : The results showed that 44
(67.7%) respondents applied democratic parenting, 14 (21.5%) authoritarian parenting,
and 7 (10.8%) permissive parenting patterns. Meanwhile, for the level ofindependence,
personal hygiene there were 50 (76.9%) independent children and 15 children (23.1%)
quite independent children. Bivariate analysis with chi-square test obtained a p-value of
0.003 which means there is a relationship between parenting patterns and the level
ofindependence personal hygiene. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that
there is a significant relationship between parenting patterns and the level
ofindependence personal hygiene in preschool children at TK Pertiwi 14.09.01
Poncowarno. Recommendation : Further researchers can use other variables (such as
gender) that affect the formation of independence in preschool children.




How to Cite

Utami, W., Fatimah, N., & Iswati, N. (2022). Relationship Parenting Patterns With Level Of Independence Personal Hygiene In Preschool Children In Tk Pertiwi 14.09.01 Poncowarno. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 36–44. Retrieved from