Penerapan Strategi Think, Talk, Write Dalam Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris Dengan Menggunakan Film


  • Ibrahim Guntur Nuary IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon


Vocabulary, Think-Talk-Write, learners, strategy, movie


English language indeed is international language, but in Indonesia
itself to mastering English language it’s hard to do, because of the lack
of vocabulary. Vocabulary is the important part to mastering English
language. To gain the vocabulary, there are many ways, one of them is
watching movie. This research aimed to find out the learners in XI IPA
1 and XI IPA 2 grades how they gain the vocabulary through subtitled
movie by using think, talk, write strategy. The data will be searched by
qualitative descriptive. The data will be taken from the movie and
teacher perspective about the strategy that teacher did. The result of
this study to know how much the learners between male and female
gain the vocabulary through subtitled movie by using think, talk, write
strategy. The learners female and male taken two class and between
learners male and female the class is not separated. The movie entitled
“Frozen”. From the movie, the learners should be written the
vocabulary what they got from the movie. The class is devided into five
groups, then all of groups should provide the words they got from the
movie and then mention the words to other groups in order to the
groups know the words from other groups and its strategy was really
works to make students got the words a lot from the movie. The result of
this study is the learners got a lot of vocabularies between XI IPA 1 and
XI IPA 2 grades through TTW strategy by using movie and the teacher
gave the feedback of vocabulary from the movie. Such as the words of
worth, accident, gates staff,and party from the movie.


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How to Cite

Nuary, I. G. (2018). Penerapan Strategi Think, Talk, Write Dalam Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris Dengan Menggunakan Film. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 150–156. Retrieved from