Pemahaman Orang Tua Di Paud Az-Zahra Dalam Menstimulasi Perkembangan Anak Melalui Pendekatan Steam


  • Siti Nurakhmaliyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
  • Nurodin Usman Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang


PAUD,Parent,STEAM, Learning from Home


his research is motivated by the lack of the ability of parents to
stimulate children's development at home. Covid 19, which has hit
almost all countries, demands changes in various aspects of life,
including education. The Covid 19 pandemic also requires parents
to act as teachers at home. However, in practice, not all parents
are optimal in carrying out their roles, therefore researchers are
interested in conducting research on parental understanding in
stimulating children's development through the STEAM approach.
The research subjects were parents at the Az-zahra Early
Childhood Education Institute Yogyakarta. The purpose of this
study was to determine the extent to which parental understanding
in stimulating children's development while learning from home in
terms of the STEAM approach. The subjects of this study were 20
parents of children aged 4-7 years. Characteristics of research
subjects were parents who had attended training on virutial
STEAM-filled learning. This study uses qualitative research
methods, which focus on understanding, implementing and
evaluating parental activities in stimulating early childhood
development. Data obtained from questionnaires, virtual
interviews, and documents. The results of this study obtained data
that in the principle component of STEAM implementation which
consists of 6 variables an average percentage of 75% is obtained,
while in the STEAM implementation formula component, the
percentage is 83.5%, indicating that parents can understand the
STEAM approach and apply it in stimulating children's
development while learning from home through materials and tools
around the home environment.


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How to Cite

Nurakhmaliyah, S., & Usman, N. (2021). Pemahaman Orang Tua Di Paud Az-Zahra Dalam Menstimulasi Perkembangan Anak Melalui Pendekatan Steam. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 40–49. Retrieved from