Multikultural Education’s Concept and It’s Value In The Qur’an


  • Amul Husni Fadlan STAI-YAPTIP Pasaman Barat Sumatera Barat
  • L Lutfiyani STAI-YAPTIP Pasaman Barat Sumatera Barat
  • Nur Edi Prabha Susila Yahya IAIN Salatiga


Multicultural’s Education, Qur’anic Verses, Multicultural’s Education Values


Basically, Multikultural’s education is not contradict with the
teaching of Islam especially Qur’an which becomes the source of law in
Islam. The diversity is actually becomes the rich of intelectual’s wealth
for reviewed. As it is in some verses of Qur’an which explains about
that. Hoefully with the existence of multikultural’s education, every
individual or group should be expected to receive and appreciate many
differences, they live together with peace and prosperous. This writing
will discuss about the multikultural’s education concept and the
education’s value in the Qur’an. Therefore, the writer try to find the
information to replied that problems, through the study exegis of
interpretation the verses in Qur’an which is relevant the problems. This
study has some goals, aimed to anaylyze: 1. The multikultural’s
education concept based on the thought of some education’s expert, 2.
To know the multikultural’s education vales which can be found in
Qur’an, 3. Multikultural’s education urgency in contemporary Islamic
education, nowadays. From the end of study, it can be conclude that:
multikultural’s education is not contradict with the teaching of Islam.
More over the multikultural’s education are also found in Qur’an. For
example are learning to live in the diversity, buliding the mutual trust
and mutual understanding, mutual respect, openminded in thinking,
appreciation and interdependency, confilct’s resolution and


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How to Cite

Fadlan, A. H., Lutfiyani, L., & Yahya, N. E. P. S. (2018). Multikultural Education’s Concept and It’s Value In The Qur’an. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 238–245. Retrieved from