Contentious Da’wah: Response Towards the Spreading of Puritan Islamic Movement


  • Mutohharun Jinan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Sudarno Sudarno Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


Da’wah; islamic movement; puritan; contentious


This articleexamines the development of the puritan Islamic
movement at Surakarta mainly is Majelis Tafsir Al-Quran (MTA).
MTA is one of religious movement in Indonesia that is developed at
villages area. When this movement is developing into various
regions, then there tends to be conflict. The first purpose of this
research is how do Muslims respond to the expansion of MTA in
various regions. Second, what are the efforts taken by its members to
maintain their existence and continue their missions to be accepted
by the community. Even though get refusing but this movement is still
survive. There are four kinds of responds towards da’wah by MTA,
mainly; accommodative, critical, resistant, and conflict. MTA as the
minority movement doing effort, interaction andbuild up social
relationship anddefend itself through many ways, such as; inside
ideology strengthening, enlarging the link of majority movement
leaders, doing social jobs, leading law enforcement in completing
problem.The various ways taken by the puritan Islamic movement are
still incomplete to build good relations, and are still considered to
cause problems in the society. The spreading of puritan Islamic
movement as a contentious da’wah.


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How to Cite

Jinan, M., & Sudarno, S. (2019). Contentious Da’wah: Response Towards the Spreading of Puritan Islamic Movement. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 250–266. Retrieved from