Edukasi Kepatuhan Minum Obat Pada Ny. W Dengan Hipertensi (Sebuah Laporan Kasus Pendekatan Kedokteran Keluarga)


  • Yusuf Alam Romadhon Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Marti Eka Ning Tias Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Lili Puspadewi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Nurnawati Soga Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


A 70 years old woman was diagnosed with hypertension for 2 years. Diagnosis of hypertension
is known from the elderly posyandu examination. There is a family history of hypertension,
diabetes, goitre nodusa, and COPD. Two extended family members have risky behaviors,
namely smoking and alcohol. The patient lives in the same house with a smoking family
member. The type of extended family and entering stage five according to Duval. The
relationship between family members is harmonious, APGAR Family shows a healthy function.
The SCREEM function stands out, the patient has a Javanese ethnic background, is “sensitive”
to what neighbors say, does not optimize the JKS-KIN card they have, and has low formal
education. Biomedical diagnosis: hypertension stage I (155/90 mmHg), obesity grade I (BMI
24.9 kg / M2). Holistic diagnosis: psycho-emotionally there is a thought that the disease is
getting worse, so she often feel worried about it. The caring behavior of family members is good,
but knowledge of the disease and efforts to manage it are still lacking, so that they do not take
medication regularly, and the diet is not balanced. The interventions given were
pharmacological therapy from the Puskesmas, and from the author's team, providing education
on the importance of regularly taking medication, and making a balanced diet program. Blood
pressure fell at the following two visits, 135/90 mmHg and 135/85 mmHg, respectively.




How to Cite

Romadhon, Y. A., Tias, M. E. N., Puspadewi, L., & Soga, N. (2022). Edukasi Kepatuhan Minum Obat Pada Ny. W Dengan Hipertensi (Sebuah Laporan Kasus Pendekatan Kedokteran Keluarga). Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 410–418. Retrieved from