Application Of Perineum Wound Healing With Binahong Leaf Boiled Water And Fishcork Extract


  • Eni Indrayani Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong
  • Hastin Ika Indriyastuti Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong
  • Medzelia Efenti Lestari Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong


Background: Postpartum mothers usually have perineal wound. Perineal wound is perineal tear
during delivery process. It occurs in almost all first deliveries and also many happen to subsequent
deliveries. To hande (or to heal) perineal wound, it can be done by applying binahong leaf boiled
water and fishcork extract.
Objective: To determine the acceleration of the perineal wound healing of postpartum mothers by
using binahong leaf boiled water and fishcork extract..
Method: This research is a qualitative descriptive with a case-study approach.The participants were
24 postpartum mothers who met the inclusion criteria. The instruments used were observation
sheets, reeda scala sheets and a camera. The data were obtained through interview, observation, and
Results: after being given boiled water from binahong leaves and snakehead fish extract for 7 days to
24 participants, 20 people (83.3%) healed on day 6 and 4 people (16.7%) healed on day 7. Wound
healing time an average of 6.15 days has experienced faster unification. The effectiveness of boiled
water from binahong leaves on the healing of perineal rupture in 24 respondents showed that 83.3%
of perineal rupture healed in the fast category (< 6 days).
Conclusion: The application of boiled water of binahong leaf and extract of fishcork can help
postpartum mothers heal their perineal wounds.




How to Cite

Indrayani, E., Indriyastuti, H. I., & Lestari, M. E. (2022). Application Of Perineum Wound Healing With Binahong Leaf Boiled Water And Fishcork Extract. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 200–207. Retrieved from