Case Study : Effectiveness of Foot Massage in Reducing Fall Risk in the Elderly


  • Hendri Tamara Yuda Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong
  • Windi Amalia Safitri Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong


foot massage; falls ; elderly


One of the physical declines that occur in the elderly is musculoskeletal due to reduced
muscle mass. As a result of the physical decline, it was finding that the physical
problems often experienced by the elderly on a daily basis such as the risk of falling. The
risk of falling occurs due to weakening of the muscles in the elderly. Fall prevention is
one of the important things in the elderly who are at risk of falling. Fall prevention
measures are generally more directed at preventing environmental factors that can
encourage falls. Various interventions to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls in
the elderly have been developing through several studies, including foot exercises, foot
massage and joint range of motion exercises. A case study to describe the results of
nursing care for the risk of falling in the elderly in Singosari Village, Ambal District.
This case study uses a descriptive method. The data were obtaining from the results of
interview observations, physical examinations, and study documentation. Subjects
consisted of 3 elderly people with nursing problems at the risk of falling. After 5 days of
nursing care, all three patients showed a decreased risk of falling with a decreased TUG
Test score. Foot massage is effective in reducing the risk of falls in the elderly.


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How to Cite

Tamara Yuda, H., & Amalia Safitri, W. (2022). Case Study : Effectiveness of Foot Massage in Reducing Fall Risk in the Elderly. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 16–26. Retrieved from