Hubungan Antara Minat Baca Dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas IV SDN Kalegen 2


  • Denis Agung Nugroho


This study aims to determine the relationship between reading interest and student
learning outcomes in Indonesian language subjects for fourth grade students at SDN
Kalegen 2 Bandongan, Magelang Regency. This research is a type of quantitative
research with a correlational research design. Research subjects were taken using
saturated sampling technique with a total sample of 21 students. Data collection
techniques were carried out using a reading interest questionnaire, interviews on reading
interest to students and documentation of student learning outcomes. The instrument
validation test of the questionnaire used the product moment formula while the
reliability test used the Cronbach alpha formula with the help of the SPSS for Windows
V.26 program, the prerequisite test for normality and linearity, hypothesis testing using
the non-parametric correlation Spearman rank analysis test technique because it does
not meet the requirements to use parametric analysis test. The results showed that the
correlation coefficient between the variable of reading interest and learning outcomes of
fourth grade Indonesian students had a value of 0.002 < 0.05 (the significance value was
smaller than the probability value). Meanwhile, the correlation figure is 0.645 in the high
category and can be said to be positively related. So that there is a positive and
significant relationship between reading interest and student learning outcomes in
Indonesian class IV subjects. Thus the hypothesis is accepted.




How to Cite

Nugroho, D. A. (2021). Hubungan Antara Minat Baca Dengan Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Kelas IV SDN Kalegen 2. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 544–551. Retrieved from