Urgensi Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Membentuk Karakter Anak Di Sekolah Dasar


  • Miftakhuddin Miftakhuddin
  • Imron Imron


The phenomenon that shows that there is a lot of moral decline can result in the
vulnerability of religious moral values to students. This can cause several negative
impacts, including brawls between students, anarchic demonstrations, drug use,
promiscuity, deviant behavior, and many other negative impacts. For this reason, a good
moral or character formation is needed for children through Islamic religious learning in
schools. Moral or moral is one of the main teachings of Islam that must be prioritized in
Islamic education to be taught or instilled in students, with the intention of forming
people with strong and good personalities (morals).
This paper is a reminder for us that religious education has an important role in
character building in elementary schools. We also gain knowledge about the method of
implementing the learning process of Islamic religious education in the formation of the
character of Abdurrahman an-Nahlawi's perspective.




How to Cite

Miftakhuddin, M., & Imron, I. (2021). Urgensi Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Membentuk Karakter Anak Di Sekolah Dasar. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 207–215. Retrieved from https://repository.urecol.org/index.php/proceeding/article/view/1753