Creativity Of English Tutorial Activities In Helping Students Understanding Online Learning In Elementary School


  • Nur Faizah
  • Della Hagian Salsabila


Because the covid-19, learning that was originally at school has now become home
through the online system. Online learning has various limitations, for example, the
absence of gadget facilities (cell phones and laptops), low understanding of digital media
and limited signal. Students who usually study in class and are explained directly to the
teacher, now the teacher only gives reading explanations and gives assignments, this
makes students more confused because there is no clear explanation but are forced to
understand by doing assignments. This study uses descriptive qualitative research that

describes tutoring services in reducing difficulties in student learning during the COVID-
19 period. Students always ask to be helped with assignments. Students need assistance

in learning, so that the material can be easily understood optimally.




How to Cite

Faizah, N., & Salsabila, D. H. (2021). Creativity Of English Tutorial Activities In Helping Students Understanding Online Learning In Elementary School. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 193–195. Retrieved from