Mutawasitoh Tahfidzul Qur'an (Mtq) Program For Learning Management At Nurul Huda Purbalingga Islamic Boarding School


  • Abdul Ghopur
  • Imron Imron


Abdul Ghopur, Master's Degree Student at Muhammadiyyah University Magelang
(UNIMMA) Central Java. This study aims to describe the learning management of the
Mutawasithoh Tahfidzul Qur'an (Mutiq) Program at the Islamic Islamic Boarding School
Nurul Huda Purbalingga, starting from lesson planning, learning implementation, and
evaluation of learning implementation. This research method uses a qualitative
descriptive approach. The object of this research is the learning management of the
Mutawasithoh Tahfidzul Qur'an (Mutiq) Islamic Boarding School Nurul Huda
Purbalingga. The method of data collection using interviews.
The results of research on the learning management of the Mutiq Program at the Islamic
Boarding School Nurul Huda Purbalingga show that;
First; The lesson plan has been completed with a complete syllabus and Learning
Implementation Plan and is well documented in the form of document/book one and
document/book two, containing the syllabus, lesson plans, annual program and semester
The Mutiq program for the Islamic Islamic Boarding School Nurul Huda Purbalingga is a
type of religious education organized through the wustha/junior high school equivalent
level education, so that the syllabus and lesson plans refer to equivalence education, plus
a local curriculum content typical of pesantren, as well as extracurricular and
intracurricular development programs for students. The learning plan is prepared by the
Principal by involving elements of the foundation, teaching staff, managers, and has
undergone many changes, following the dynamics of government policies and stakeholder
Second; The implementation of the teaching and learning process is carried out on
Saturday - Thursday, starting at 07.00 - 13.00 WIB. The learning activity begins with an
opening or greeting, the ustadz delivers the subject matter using learning media such as
LCD, white board, and markers. The method of delivering material uses the lecture
method, demonstration, and ends with a question and answer session. Ustadz closed the
teaching and learning process by praying together and saying closing greetings.
Third; Learning evaluation uses formative evaluation, which is an assessment in the form
of a test that is carried out after a subject has been studied by students and summative
evaluation, which is an assessment in the form of a test that is carried out after the
teaching and learning process is completed within a certain period of time, namely one
semester and than result for this research is good and effective.




How to Cite

Ghopur, A., & Imron, I. (2021). Mutawasitoh Tahfidzul Qur’an (Mtq) Program For Learning Management At Nurul Huda Purbalingga Islamic Boarding School. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 153–161. Retrieved from