Identification of Nutritional Status and Patient Diseases in Pediatric Inpatient Room at Pekalongan District Hospital


  • Ristanti Ristanti Universitas Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan
  • Siti Rofiqoh Universitas Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Pekalongan


children; inpatient; nutritional status


Malnutrition status in children can cause various problems including decreased immune
system so that children are susceptible to infection. Infectious diseases are the highest
cases experienced by children in the hospital's pediatric inpatient room. Infection in
children also raises the risk of children experiencing malnutrition. This study aims to
identify the nutritional status and disease of patients in the pediatric inpatient room.
The study was conducted in the pediatric inpatient ward of the RSUD in Pekalongan
Regency. The research design used descriptive cross-sectional. Samples were children
who were treated in the pediatric inpatient room at Kajen Hospital and Kraton
Pekalongan Hospital. The sampling technique used consecutive sampling with a time of 6
months and obtained 153 respondents. The research instrument used a questionnaire of
respondents' characteristics, the patient's disease data was taken based on medical
diagnosis data from the patient's medical record. Nutritional status in patients aged < 5
years was based on body weight for age (W/U), patients > 5 years was based on body
mass index for age (BMI/U). Nutritional status was categorized based on the threshold
(Z-score). The results showed that the first and second most cases of disease were
diarrhea (51%) and Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) (30%), the most nutritional status
was normal (60.1%), 16.3% malnutrition and 11.8% poor nutrition and 11, 8% fat. The
conclusion is that the two most cases in children in the pediatric inpatient ward of the
Pekalongan District Hospital were infection cases, most of them had normal nutritional
status, but 28.1% were malnourished/poor.


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How to Cite

Ristanti, R., & Rofiqoh, S. (2022). Identification of Nutritional Status and Patient Diseases in Pediatric Inpatient Room at Pekalongan District Hospital. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 1–6. Retrieved from