Effect of Learning Model Savi Assisted Media Kabaca (Calendar Picture Story) of Skills Reading Understanding of Stories


  • Lutfiana Rahmatsani


This study aims to determine the effect of Learning Model SAVI aided KABACA media
on reading comprehension skills of fourth grade students of SD Negeri Keji 2 Muntilan,
Magelang Regency. This research is a type ofresearch pre-experimental (One Group
pretest posttest). The research subjects were selected by- nonprobability sampling
saturated sampling model. Samples were taken as many as 24 students. The method of
data collection was done by using test questions in the form of giving pretest and posttest
reading comprehension skills. Test the validity of the pretest and posttest questions
using theformula, product moment while the reliability test uses the formula Cronbach
Alpha. The analysis prerequisite test used the normality test using theformula
Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Data analysis used non-parametric statistical techniques Wilcoxon
Sign rank test. The results of this study indicate that the calculation of the averagevalue
posttest of 87 is greater than the averagevalue pretest of 57, this is evidenced by the
results of thetest analysis Wilcoxon with thevalue Asymp. Sig. (2 tailed) obtained 0.000
<0.05 with a Z score of -4.297. Based on the data obtained, it is concluded that the SAVI
learning model assisted by KABACA media has a positive effect on the reading
comprehension skills of fourth grade students of SD Negeri Keji 2 Muntilan, Magelang




How to Cite

Rahmatsani, L. (2021). Effect of Learning Model Savi Assisted Media Kabaca (Calendar Picture Story) of Skills Reading Understanding of Stories. Prosiding University Research Colloquium, 538–543. Retrieved from https://repository.urecol.org/index.php/proceeding/article/view/1824